Tractors & Machines of The Vineyard – Viticulture

A vlog that preaches “Everything Behind The Bottle” should probably geek out and show some of the tools of the trade, right?

Pict from unified grape growers conference 2010

Wine Bottling Machine

Well here are some odds and ends that I have come across in the past months.  All of these are interesting to say the least, and some a bit hard to comprehend, in their size, their necessity, and cost.    Some of these machines are massive and some are just weird…  but this is wine geek technology that helps get the grape from the ground to the fermentation bin.  I have also included some picts I took last Feb at Unified 10 Conference, which is a wine industry convention in Sacramento.  The Unified conference is mostly about selling barrels, bottles, and all the other goods that are needed in getting wine into a sellable form.  They also had a social media conference which is why I went.    However, what stole the show for me was to see the size of the heavy equipment on the floor there.  Literally these machines can be walked underneath and were too big to even fit into a camera frame.

A jazzy video of robot pruning, below.

However, this technology has already been surpassed by this Video from NZ news 3.

And here is a fun video showing you how nimble tractors can be, and need to be for safety and protection of workers and the vines.

Have you seen any fun vineyard equipment?  What do you think about mechanical harvesting? versus hand harvesting?  How geeky are you with vineyard equipment?

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